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Top 5 Fakten über Glatzen, die dich überraschen! Attraktiver mit Glatze?

Top 5 facts about bald heads that will surprise you! More attractive with a bald head?

Have you been a proud bald man for a long time? Or are you still hesitating about whether you should turn your back on the remaining hair on your head? Here are 5 interesting aspects that you should definitely know as a new or long-term bald man!

No. 1 Bald men look younger!

No. 2: Bald head: A sign of attractiveness and success

No. 3 Skin health and skin cancer risk in bald people

No. 4: Does a bald head suit me? (Head shape check)

No. 5: Care for your bald head: sun protection, bald cream and shampoo

Keine Haare, keine Probleme? Warum Glatzenträger trotzdem mit Herausforderungen kämpfen

No hair, no problems? Why bald men still face challenges

"No hair, no problems?" - Why bald men still struggle with challenges Hey guys, do you sometimes think: no hair, no problems? Unfortunately, it's not always that easy. Bald men...
Die Stufen von erblich bedingtem Haarausfall

Hereditary hair loss. Why and what to do?

In general, hair loss can have various causes. The most common reason for hair loss is hereditary hair loss, but there are also other reasons such as stress, deficiency symptoms or, for example, lack of sleep.
Transformation von Männern mit Haaren zu Männern mit Glatze

3 good reasons to go bald BETTER BE BOLD

The decision to go bald is brave. Hair loss is a sensitive issue for us men, it is not for nothing that many strong men get into real inner conflicts.