The new season of The Bachelorette just started. In this blog article you can find out why Sharon Battiste is the #BOLDbachelorette for us & what baldness has to do with it.

At first glance you wouldn't suspect it, but Sharon Battiste suffers from circular hair loss - an autoimmune disease that leads to round bald spots on the head.

The hair loss bothered her a lot: As a model and actress, her appearance is her capital. But Sharon took the power out of the disease and determined the loss of her hair herself. She took control and let her friend shave her bald head in tears. For this courageous decision, she clearly deserves the title #BOLDbachelorette.

Sharing this process with the public has brought a lot of attention to the topic of hair loss. Because like Sharon, many other people suffer from various forms of hair loss: Approx. 80% of all men & 20% of all women meet this fate.

This also applies to our co-founder Dennis, who suffered from hereditary hair loss. After 4 long years of sleepless nights and self-doubt, Dennis also turned his hair loss into something positive. The rest of the hair had to go and the bald head had to go. This step was ultimately the basis for the idea for BETTER BE BOLD & the first bald cream worldwide, which not only cares for and mattifies your scalp, but also lets you feel comfortable in your own skin & should give you a positive self-esteem and lead you to courageous decisions.

These are just two examples of people who have bravely fought their hair loss and turned it into something positive.

That's why we want to give you a piece of advice: stand by yourselves & be self-confident - great things can arise from this #stayBOLD