Product photos, videos & logos
Here you can find:
- Professional product photos for your web shop
- Product videos in the highest resolution
- Our brand logos
(Technical) product data
Here you will find all information about the products such as:
- Article data such as EAN, article number, customs tariff number & Co.
- Technical data such as weights of all products etc.
- Incis
- Recommendation for product categories in your online shop
Product descriptions & application information
Here you can find the following information about the products for info & care in your online shop (German & English)
- Product texts for product pages (SEO-optimized)
- Application notes
- Recommendation for product categories in your online shop
Each SKU has its own rider.
Dealer price list B2B & presentation
Here you will find the price list for B2B.
- Presentation about Better Be Bold as PDF in German & English
- Free house delivery in Germany from € 150, in Europe from 200-250 € depending on the country
POS material for our offline partners
Do you have a store, barbershop/salon or a cosmetic studio etc.?
Here you will find valuable material such as
- Placement recommendations for optimal sales
- Training material including sales arguments
- POS displayer DIN A4 to print out
Social media content (photos & videos) for download
Here you will find great photo and video material for posting for:
- Tiktok
Better Be Bold: Brand videos
Here you will find our videos:
- Brand Video Better Be Bold (German)
- Better Be Bold in the WDR (German)
- Better Be Bold Pitch (English)