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Better Be Bold Magazin

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Glatze pflegen & Glatze rasieren. Tipps vom Glatzen-Profi

Glatze pflegen & Glatze rasieren. Tipps vom Glatzen-Profi

Die wichtigsten Pflege-Routinen für eine schöne Glatze Blackbeards: Lieber Dennis, ihr von Better Be Bold habt euch ja gänzlich der Glatzenpflege und Glatzenrasur verschrieben und entwickelt ausschließlich Produkte zur Pflege...
Die Top 5 Deutsch-Rapper mit Glatze

Top 5 bald German rappers

We allow ourselves the fun and select the top 5 bald people within a certain category for you. First of all, let's take the German rappers to our chests -...
Glücklich mit Glatze: Die Vorteile von Glatzen und der Weg zu Selbstakzeptanz

Happy with a bald head: The advantages of baldness and the path to self-acceptance

Happy with a bald head?! In a world where long hair is considered the ideal of beauty, it is a challenge to feel comfortable with a bald head. But more...
Top 5 Fakten über Glatzen, die dich überraschen! Attraktiver mit Glatze?

Top 5 facts about bald heads that will surprise you! More attractive with a bald head?

Have you been a proud bald man for a long time? Or are you still hesitating about whether you should turn your back on the remaining hair on your head? Here are 5 interesting aspects that you should definitely know as a new or long-term bald man!

No. 1 Bald men look younger!

No. 2: Bald head: A sign of attractiveness and success

No. 3 Skin health and skin cancer risk in bald people

No. 4: Does a bald head suit me? (Head shape check)

No. 5: Care for your bald head: sun protection, bald cream and shampoo

Glatze und Hautirritationen: Tipps für eine gepflegte Kopfhaut

Baldness and skin irritations: tips for a well-groomed scalp

Baldness and skin irritations: tips for a well-groomed scalp Hey, it's great that you're interested in baldness and skin irritations. In this blog post, we'll explain how you can get...
Keine Haare, keine Probleme? Warum Glatzenträger trotzdem mit Herausforderungen kämpfen

No hair, no problems? Why bald men still face challenges

"No hair, no problems?" - Why bald men still struggle with challenges Hey guys, do you sometimes think: no hair, no problems? Unfortunately, it's not always that easy. Bald men...
Die Ursachen von Haarausfall und Glatze – Ein umfassender Leitfaden für Betroffene

The causes of hair loss and baldness – A comprehensive guide for those affected

Welcome to our informative blog post about the causes of hair loss . Losing your hair can be an emotionally challenging experience. In this guide, we'll take a detailed look...
Geschenkideen für Männer mit Glatze

Gift ideas for bald men

Whether it's a birthday, Christmas, wedding anniversary or another occasion: the search begins anew every time: what is the perfect gift for men?
After Shave für sensible Haut: Worauf es nach der Rasur ankommt

Aftershave for sensitive skin: What matters after shaving

Razor bumps, razor burn, reddened skin and other skin irritations are unsightly consequences of using the wrong razor, a rough shaving technique or a faulty aftershave routine. But what is important when choosing the right aftershave for your skin?
Enthüllt: Die Hintergründe von Haarausfall und Glatze bei Bodybuildern 👨‍🦲

Why almost all bodybuilders have hair loss & a bald head? 👨‍🦲 These are the reasons

If you pay close attention, you'll quickly notice that most bodybuilders are bald. Especially in competitive bodybuilding, whether amateur bodybuilding or professional bodybuilding. But why?
Bartöle im Check

The most popular beard oils on Amazon - we do the check!

Which beard oils are the most popular? We looked at the top 5 best-selling beard oils on Amazon and put them under the microscope for you.
Mann mit Glatze in der Sonne

Tips against sunburn on the scalp

The right sun protection for the scalp, that's how it works! The long-awaited summer with good weather and lots of sun is in full swing.